December Events –

Food & Fundraising fun at Panda Express on December 13. …On December 21 – Santa in our store 12-3 and don’t forget to commemorate the “Longest Night” from 4-8 on December 21. We are thankful for your support community. Together We CAN Make A Difference!

Partnerships & Collaborative Support

Susan Butler, leader of Plymouth Congregational Church’s sleeping bag fundraising drive, with Ryan Galliher, Good Samaritan Ministries Our Place Outreach Coordinator. In addition to 30 bags previously delivered to Good Samaritan Ministries’ Our Place, Ryan will very soon distribute these 25 bags to more of Helena’s Homeless neighbors.
“Thanks to the generous donors, who make it possible to purchase these very warm Sleeping Bags,” said Susan.”We anticipate buying a few dozen more bags as more tax- deductible donations are received.”
This is the second winter that Plymouth has raised funds to purchase Sleeping Bags that are distributed by staff at Our Place.

UNSHELTERED EXPERIENCE – FUNDraising, Awareness & Demonstration

QUESTION OF SURVIVAL: What’s it like for a female to live unsheltered in our town?

On November 2, some will find out, and through their education and experiences, we will raise more funds for Ruth’s Place – a women’s shelter and safe space in Helena slated to open early 2025.

Our store opens at 9am with 50% off all items! From 11:00 am-7:00 PM on Saturday, November 2 Good Samaritan Ministries will host a full schedule of daytime events onsite at our store location – 3067 Montana Avenue parking lot!

Food trucks, fashion show, children’s activity tent, in-store sales, amazing silent auction packages, Helena Library clothing drive and a stage with local speakers, Open Mic presentations, music and theatre will help us celebrate Good Samaritan Ministries accomplishments and ongoing programs while raising money and understanding of the ongoing challenges of the unsheltered in our community.

OUR CHALLENGE: From 7:00 PM until 7:00 AM November 3, twelve (12) women will remain on our property overnight to highlight the challenges of our female unsheltered neighbors. They pledge to stay twelve (12) hours, and each seeks ten (10) sponsors.


  • Come join the activities during the day…
  • We are seeking sponsors to help us achieve our goals for Ruth’s Place!
  • Pledge a donation for the volunteers choosing to answer the question – What’s it like for a female to live unsheltered in our community?


Good Samaritan Ministries is thankful for the collaboration with the Lewis & Clark Library for a winter clothing drive during their 2024 BIG READ event.
CLOTHING DRIVE: Gently used or new donations of warm clothing – socks, shirts, jackets, mittens, scarves, boots and underclothes for all ages to be dropped off at the library October 1 through the month. The final donation date is November 2 during the Good Samaritan Ministries FUNDraising event! 

Seeking sponsors

We are seeking sponsors for this event. Won’t you help?

Sponsorship Levels / per hour
Shelter Friend: $100 
Build a Wall: $50
Furnish a Home: $25  
Home “Pin”$: $10

Sponsors receive advertising signage day of event, logo on website and all marketing/outreach materials; 501 c 3 donation receipt.

Thank You!

50/50 Raffle


Buy a ticket or many and split 50/50 with Good Samaritan Ministries!

$5 – 1 ticket
$20 – 5 tickets

Receive HALF of the total of ALL ticket sales for this raffle at the November 2, 2024 Drawing!

Winner to be announced at 4pm day of drawing and MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!

GSM NEEDS Match Grant Funds Needed

GSM NEEDS Match Grant Funds Needed


We received grant approval from Montana State Fund for specialized equipment designated for our organization to continue to offer a clean and safe environment for staff, patrons and the community

Q: What’s the need?
A: There is a 50% match requirement! We require an additional $3,000 to purchase this industrial equipment as a match to the grant.
Q: What do we need the funds for?
A: We need an industrial floor cleaning machine for use in our store, office and common areas

• Summer Hours July-Oct. 1 9:00 AM—7:00 PM
• Dock Hours Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 AM-6:00 PM

SCHOOL’S IN SESSION EVENT: Sat. September 14 11:00 -3:00
SALES: Children’s clothing, school supplies ,
ACTIVITIES/ONSITE PHOTOGRAPHER: Join the party in our store!

First Quarter Projections Looking Solid!
According to our donor database, our community has helped us raise over $4500 between July 1 and August 14!
If we continue at this pace, we have the potential to raise $30,000 or more in donations! That’s a base salary for an outreach worker, financial assistance to secure housing, food or supplies for needful clients!
The possibilities are incredible!

August 2024
In this issue:
FEATURE: Ruth’s Space
NEEDS: Match Grant $
DONOR UPDATES: 1st Quarter
Dock Hours extended;
School party! 9/13/24

Our ED—Theresa Ortega!-
Ruth’s Place Has a Space!
Good news! After a year long wait, we found a solution and created a collaborative effort between Good Samaritan Ministries (the catalyst behind the shelter) and Family Promise of Greater Helena (the resources to get it moving) . We plan to break ground next month on Ruth’s Place—a women’s shelter in Helena! That new planned location is Family Promise at 2814 Cook Street, just off N Montana Avenue. The two agencies will share the space.

Executive Director Theresa Ortega nominated for Lumen Cristi Award
Since its inception in 1978, the award—presented by Catholic Extension Society, has been given to people who radiate and reveal the light of Christ present in the communities where they serve.

Our Executive Director was nominated for her leadership, and stewardship of funds and resources for the ongoing development of the social service programs funded through the successful GSM store operations!

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS : The Unsheltered Experience was super successful.

                                      THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS, VOLUNTEERS AND SPONSORS
What’s it like for a female to live unsheltered in our town? You CAN STILL donate to our event and our efforts…
On November 2, 12 of us found out…and through our education and experiences, we raised more funds for Ruth’s Place – a woman’s shelter and space!
We seek sponsors for this event: Won’t you help?
Shelter Friend— $1000                Build a Wall: $500
Furnish a Home—$250                Home “Pin”$: $100
EVENT: FALL FUNdraiser – full day of events, sales, music, fashion show, children’s crafts—night demonstration—”encampment”
WHEN: November 2, 2024 9 am to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Good Samaritan Ministries Parking lot!
3067 N. Montana Avenue Helena, MT 59601
RSVP : [email protected] or go to our “Ways To Give” page
406 442-0780 ext. 111



Please join us in providing resources, information, swag and supplies to students and their families at our in-store sale, community fair and fun event.
We have tables. We just need you!!!
WHEN: September 14TH, 2024 11 to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Good Samaritan Store
3067 N. Montana Avenue Helena, MT 59601
RSVP : [email protected] BY 9/08
406 442-0780 ext. 111

Special thanks for our local Walmart for contributing healthful snacks for our grab-bags for participating children!

Our Place Peers Collaborate for a Downtown Cleanup

Late morning marked the beginning of our community cleanups, and despite the  heat, the atmosphere remained positive. The effort kicked off at Cruise Park, moved behind God’s Love, and concluded at the tunnel near Anchor Park.

This event was a remarkable display of camaraderie and interdepartmental cooperation. Leading the charge were Jacqueline, Our Place Program Manager, and Mikayla, Peer Support Specialist from Our Place, who kept everything running smoothly. Alongside our dedicated staff were numerous volunteers, many of whom are Our Place Peers and have experienced or are currently experiencing homelessness. In fact, the idea for Our Place’s participation in the cleanups came from these Peers!

The cleanup crew also included members of the Helena Police Department (HPD) and the Parks Department, with the latter providing trucks for trash removal. Both HPD and Parks Department staff worked alongside the volunteers. hese cleanups are not about displacing people but about making parks and public areas clean and safe for everyone, including our unhoused neighbors. We do not discard personal belongings—only trash. In fact, the tunnel cleanup had started well before our arrival, with the temporary residents leading by example!

For years, the Parks Department has been organizing these cleanups. Pat from the Parks Department mentioned that in the last 4-5 years, the number of people trying to set up more permanent residences in the parks has skyrocketed. With the addition of the Our Place team, we can help address this issue by connecting people with resources to get off the streets and into supportive environments.

Throughout the morning, Mikayla and Jacqueline frequently reminded people to collect their mail from Our Place—an essential service for those without a permanent address and encouraged folks to head down to Our Place for food and more. They knew everyone by name, as did the HPD and Parks Department staff, and provided compassionate support during the cleanup. They balanced firm instructions, like “Yes, you have to clean this up,” with genuine concern, asking, “How are you doing?” and “What do you need?”

This event was a kind and collaborative effort from all parties involved. While there were a few dissenting voices, the gratitude from those helped far outweighed the negativity. We recognize that there is no perfect solution to this complex issue. People deserve a safe place to sleep, and everyone deserves clean parks to enjoy—whether they are housed or not. We are committed to expanding our reach and programs to connect those in need with the help they require.

We extend a special thank you to the Our Place Peers who volunteered—Brandon, Stuart, William, and Jay (some preferred to remain unnamed)—as well as the staff at Our Place, the Helena Police Department, the Parks Department, and the Sanitation Department. This is the third cleanup Our Place Peers have participated in, and these events have become a huge part of their recovery group, giving them a sense of purpose and vital community connection.

We would also like to extend a huge thank you to Judge Peterson for providing a reduction in fines to those who participated in the cleanup.

If you have questions about these cleanups, how to get involved with our Ministries, or have a suggestion of a place to clean up please feel free to reach out at: [email protected]


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