Supporting our mission

Brad Cook
Board – Chair
Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church
Coleen Street
Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church
Dan Gengler
Our Lady of the Valley
Russell Ehman
Board – Treasurer
Our Lady of the Valley
John Umsted
Cathedral of Saint Helena
Deb Kralicek
Saint Mary’s Catholic Church
Theresa Metropoulos
Saint Mary’s Catholic Church
Gavin Voeller
Cathedral of Saint Helena
Travis Grotbo
Board – Secretary
John Ries
Board Member
Carroll College
Currently, the GSM Board needs a board member from St. Mary Catholic Community and two from the Cathedral of St. Helena. If interested, please call or email Theresa Ortega at: [email protected], 406-410-1172 or contact a board member above.
Good Samaritan Ministries, motivated by Catholic social teaching, works in our community to advance family life, human dignity and the common good. We provide services to meet the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and families of all faiths, especially those most in need.